Altadena Community Church Altadena Community Church
Ministry Teams
Ministry Teams

"It was a relief when we did away with monthly committee meetings. Now I can participate in activities that interest me and only meet with other team members when it's important."

Outreach and Mission

We are Christ's hands, feet, and heart in our community and in the world. With our hands we feed the homeless at Union Station, Pasadena, and provide food through the Saturday ACTS Food Pantry for the Altadena community. With our hands and heart we shelter the homeless during cold and rainy weather.

With our feet we walk in the annual Pasadena CROP Hunger Walk, raising funds for Church World Service and local food pantries.

With our hearts we volunteer at the Mother's Club of Pasadena, an organization that assists immigrant women and children. With our hearts we provide a school scholarship for a refugee student in India, support an orphanage in Ecuador, and missionaries in Turkey.

We stand for peace and social justice. We strive to make a difference in our community and the world. If you are interested in joining us, please contact our church office at 626-798-1185.


Working with our pastor and our director of music, the Worship Ministry Team assists in all areas of worship at Altadena Community Church, including planning themes and special services. Members and friends are invited to participate as choir members, liturgists, communion servers, offering ushers, and sound/video system operators, and to provide flowers for the altar and to help in decorating the sanctuary for special occasions. Our goal is to enhance everyone's worship experience.

Facilities and Finance

The Facilities and Finance Ministry Team oversees all usage of the church buildings. We keep the facilities repaired and upgraded. The financial responsibilities of this team encompass the preparation of the annual budget, as well as monitoring the income and expenditures of the church during the year.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Ministry Team plans Christian education for many constituencies. After worship and at other times, we offer adult education experiences that help us learn about progressive Christianity, the world around us, and the faith journeys we share. In addition, we plan educational offerings for the Altadena/Pasadena community, such as League of Women Voters presentations, and participate in planning ACC's Lenten and Bible studies. This team also oversees Sunday School and activities for children and youth.

Congregational Life

Congregational Life

The Congregational Life Ministry Team can be considered the spiritual thread that eagerly facilitates faithful fellowship among the congregation each day of the week. The ministry team oversees the Prayer Group, Spiritual Hospitality/Coffee Time, the Card Ministry, Sisterspace, the Prayers & Squares Quilting Group, annual Family Camp at Pilgrim Pines, and other social activities. All are invited to participate.

Church Growth

The Church Growth Ministry Team works to give individuals a place to belong at Altadena Community Church, a place where hope and love exist in a community of faith, where no one is alone, everyone experiences God's grace, and each person can make a difference. This team includes greeters, Web site, and media teams, and we look for opportunities to share our faith with the larger community.