Altadena Community Church Altadena Community Church
Church Potluck


You don't have to worship with us to participate.
Just contact us and we'll help you get started.

The Congregational Life Ministry Team coordinates social and intergenerational activities such as potlucks, Hollywood Bowl night, special celebrations for Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter seasons, cultural excursions, the annual summer swim event, musical performances, and a fall campfire event, to name a few. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the lively fellowship, including the recurring events below.


ACC women and friends are invited to join us when we gather as "Sisterspace." As sisters in Christ we meet to share dreams and concerns, celebrate birthdays, and reach out to others in service. It's our "space" and we can do whatever God wants us to do with it! Sisterspace typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the afternoon.

Conversation and Coffee

Have you ever wanted to explore the big issues of life? Do you have unanswered questions about God? Do you want to discuss how current events and our spirituality intersect? From time to time some of us meet at a local restaurant or coffee shop to have lively, uplifting, and fun conversation.  Call the church office to find out the time and location of our next gathering.

Coffee Hour

Spiritual Hospitality Time/Coffee Time

After the worship service, light refreshments are served outdoors "under the arches" for relaxing fellowship with one another. There are also special occasions when some in the congregation bring culinary delights for Easter Sunday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduations, and Christmas Eve, to name a few.

Drumming Circle

Drumming Circle

Come one, come all
to the Drumming Circle ball.
It's a wonderful way
to end a stress-filled day.
No prerequisite required; just be prepared to have fun
and "Beat Out That Rhythm On A Drum."

Our talented drummers and friends meet as needed.  Watch the church calendar for the next Drumming Circle.

See more ways to get involved.