"I grew up in a church where we were told what we had to believe. Here we are able to work out our own Christian beliefs."

One member of the Card Ministry team wrote:
“You know how you feel when you receive a greeting card? Once a month it was my turn to send a card from our church family to those who asked for our prayers during our Sunday service. Most significant about becoming a card ministry team member was that I could do that … but wow, I did not expect the Holy Spirit to guide my sentences. This process brought me closer, in this remote way, to the one asking for prayer and it added to my intimacy with God.”
A few years ago several members of our church decided to make our commitment to peace more visible to the community. We gather each Friday afternoon at 5:00pm with our signs that say “Honk for Peace,” “Pray for Peace,” and “We Stand for Peace.” Each week we receive honks, smiles, and waves from most passersby. Our group has included young children and an elderly member in a wheelchair. This is an ongoing commitment to show those who drive by our church that we are serious about bringing peace to our community, nation, and world. Drive by or stop to meet us any Friday. We would love to have you join us in this mission.
The Prayer Group is an informal gathering. The prayer requests from Sunday’s worship service are included as well as any special concerns of those present. Everyone is welcome.