The leadership structure at Altadena Community Church has evolved through the years into a simple structure with leaders elected in a few Ministry areas, who recruit and coordinate volunteers for whatever activities are planned. Faith Ministries focuses on worship, music, and education for children and adults. Hope Ministries include our mission work in the community and the world. Love Ministries encourages fellowship among church members, friends, and visitors. There are also leaders for Communications Ministries and Administrative Ministries.
Professional staff include the pastor, the director of music, and the program director. Additional staff include a bookkeeper, facilities manager, and childcare attendants.

PASTOR - Paul Tellström
“Pastor Paul” received his M.Div. from the Claremont School of Theology with Honors, and received the Claremont Distinguished Preaching Award. He later earned his Doctor of Ministry degree in Preaching from the Chicago Theological Seminary. From 2006-2019, Paul was Senior Pastor at the Irvine United Congregational Church. His work there is chronicled in Paul Nixon’s book, “We Refused to Lead a Dying Church” (Pilgrim Press, 2012). Before that, he served the Mt. Hollywood Congregational Church, UCC from 1998-2006, and his tenure there is part of a case study in William Avery’s book, “Revitalizing Congregations” (Alban Institute, 2002). During this time, Paul served on the Board of Hope-Net for 11 years. Hope-Net was formed to help end hunger and homelessness in Los Angeles.

PASTOR EMERITUS - Reverend Dr. Joe McGowan
We are honored by Joe’s presence in our congregation after his service of 20 years. Although we recognize his retirement, we look forward to hearing him preach and teach when the opportunities arise.

PROGRAM DIRECTOR - Lorraine Bailey
Rev. Lorraine Bailey is a recently retired ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and retired elementary school teacher. She holds a B.A. in Multiple Subjects (elementary education) from Chapman University, an M.Div. from Claremont Theological Seminary, and an M.A. in Early Childhood Education from the University of Northern Colorado. Her experience with children spans 40 years in church and school settings and she is delighted to join with ACC in beginning a new children’s and family ministry that will serve the community for years to come.

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC - Evan J. Griffith
Awarded Colleague of the American Guild of Organists, Evan J. Griffith studied sacred music as a double major in Music and Psychology at Dartmouth College. Hailing from NYC, Evan served as organist at Congregation Emanu-El, among the largest temples in the world, as well as at Church of Our Saviour Roman Catholic, before moving to LA in 2017. He assumed the role of Head of Music Ministries at St. Athanasius Episcopal, Echo Park as well as Organist and Choir Director of LA’s historic Wilshire Boulevard Temple, where he continues to serve today. He is also Organist at the Twenty-Eighth Church of Christ, Scientist Westwood and directs musical productions at Turning Point School in Culver City. Outside of his passion for sacred music, Evan has a love of the popular music scene, and runs his artist management company, Fire Tower Entertainment. With his expertise in both the classical and contemporary musical universes, Evan is grateful to serve the vibrant ACC congregation.

CHILD CARE - Laura Redd
Laura has a great connection to our youngest ones, and watches over them while their parents are in worship.

Susannah works as our Facilities Manager and has been with the church since 2018. She is responsible for the upkeep of the church and property, in addition to being our space user liaison. For any space use requests, please reach out to Susannah at the contact form here.

CONTROLLER - Kevin J. Yang
Kevin was raised in La Crescenta, CA, and grew up heavily involved in his local church. He studies law, accounting, and public policy at University of Southern California and UC Berkeley. As well as his duties here at Altadena Community Church, he also works as an auditor at a firm in Pasadena, CA, specializing in nonprofit and government audits.