"The time I spend with God in the worship service brings me back to what is important in life."
Morning Worship at 10:00AM
Join us as we praise God with sacred music drawn from both traditional and contemporary sources, thoughtful preaching, prayer, storytelling, ritual, and sacrament.
Sunday morning worship services begin at 10:00 am. You may wish to arrive a few minutes early on your first visit to find your way around. If the lower parking lot is full, you will find additional parking in the upper lot. A typical worship service lasts about an hour. Most people are in casual dress.
The first person you are likely to meet on Sunday morning is a greeter. He/She will welcome you, tell you about any special events happening that day, and offer you a nametag. If you have children, the greeter will tell you about childcare for children 3 and under.
When you enter the sanctuary feel free to sit anywhere you want. There are no reserved pews and no one will glare at you for sitting in their seats (although if you are in the first few rows on the left, you may find yourself in the midst of the choir). You may wish to sit closer to the front to better see the worship order, prayers, and song lyrics, which are displayed on the video screens.
Communion is a remembrance of Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. It is offered on the first and fifth Sundays of the month, near the end of the worship service. Everyone is welcome to participate, including children. Communion is usually taken by coming to the front of the church, taking a small piece of (gluten-free) bread from a tray, and partially dipping the bread in a cup of juice before eating it. Please ask someone near you if you need assistance or need the communion servers to come to your location. If you do not wish to take communion, simply stay in your seat.
The worship service often includes:
- A musical prelude.
- A responsive reading (a leader and the congregation alternate reading lines of a prayer).
- Singing songs/hymns.
- Saying a prayer for peace and lighting a candle for peace.
- A brief message for any children present.
- An anthem by the choir.
- A reading from the Bible.
- A sermon by the pastor.
- Joys and Concerns: The pastor will walk around with a microphone. Anyone may ask for a prayer. Sometimes it is a prayer of joy or gratitude. Other prayers may be for healing or other help for oneself or a friend/family member. Often prayers are requested for needs in the community and the world. You will see that our members and friends on Zoom participate. In fact, you may contact us through this website to request a Zoom link and visit from home.
- Announcements of activities and events for the coming weeks, or of service opportunities.
- The service ends with a blessing from the pastor.
All are invited to enjoy fellowship with coffee and punch after the service outside “under the arches.” A discussion session is also available in our “Founders’ Room.” Childcare is provided during these classes.
Our goal is to help each person and our congregation to grow in their faith. We invite you to take the journey with us.

"The time I spend with God in the worship service brings me back to what is important in life."